The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA) Advertising Law Conference 2022 takes place in London again after a long postponement due to Covid. This year we will explore the theme “Global Advertising in an Age of Crisis and Change”.
The afternoon will be your chance to hear from expert speakers from around the world, including key figures from advertising regulation. We’ll discuss how advertising is responding to some the major issues facing the world, such as the environmental and obesity crises, improving diversity and inclusion, and building trust in the digital economy.
Our conference will focus on the challenges faced by brands and agencies around the world at a time of unprecedented change and multiple crises.
Climate Change is a Global Crisis (13:15 to 14:00 BST)
How are brands, agencies and regulators responding to the challenge of promoting new green technologies without indulging in greenwashing?
Jeffrey Greenbaum, Frankfurt Kurnit, (USA)
Guy Parker, Chief Executive, Advertising Standards Authority
Daniel Haije, Hoogenraad + Haak (Netherlands)
Kelly Harris, Harris + co. (Canada)
Mikael Segercranz, Roschier (Finland)
Juan Carlos Uribe, Triana Uribe + Michelsen (Colombia)